Sundays 9:45-10:45am

Older Elementary (3rd & 4th Grade)
Learn God’s word using fun and creative ways such as crafts, games, and dramas; giving the children examples of how to apply God’s Word to everyday life.
Led by Amy Myers; Amanda Richardson;
Room 121 In Person Only
Younger Elementary (1st & 2nd Grade)
Teaches children about the Bible, the love of God, and how to apply it to their lives.
Led by Judy Howie; Kathy Murphy; Betty Lackey
Room 123 In Person Only
Older Preschool & Kindergarten (5-6 Yrs.)
Introduces children to the Bible. We use games, crafts, music and art to help them connect biblical themes to their lives. “everyday” experiences.
Led by Jessica McKeithan; Phyllis Krueger
Room 124 In Person Only
Younger Preschool (3-4 Yrs.)
Designed to show children the love of Jesus and to plant seeds of faith. They study basic fundamental truths from the Bible using stories, activities, crafts and games to enhance the lesson. A snack is provided during the class.
Led by Dean Carroll; Frances Buffkin
Room 125 In Person Only
Nursery 1 (Birth-1 Yr.)
Nursery 2 (1-2 Yrs.)
Your infant will be welcomed to a joy-filled loving space where they love to be and want to return. Our goal is to serve you and care for your precious child with music, snacks, toys, bubbles, books, and puzzles. connect biblical themes to their lives. “everyday” experiences.
Led by Jane Buffkin; Susie Sellers; Connie Davis
Nursery 1 in Room 116 & Nursery 2 in Room 117 In Person Only
Toddlers (2-3 Yrs.)
Join us for a delightful time of simple crafts, music and snacks as we share the stories of Jesus in a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
Led by Robin Farmer; Cassi Smith
Room 127 In Person Only